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Rodro Books & Education
The Magical Song of Sona & Dora Book Box Opening

The Magical Song of Sona & Dora Book Box Opening

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Ayudando Familias en Puerto Rico


Los estudiantes de quinto grado de Michelle Gruttadauria, Kristen Tohill, Eileen Campbell y Ilyssa Polirer han colaborado con el autor / ilustrador Paul Rodríguez "Rodro"  para ilustrar una versión especial de La Canción Mágica de Sona y Dora.


Es un libro para niños que se trata de dos coquis (pequeñas ranas arbóreas) de Sonadora, Puerto Rico, que salen en busca de la magia que salvará sus vidas. Todos los ingresos de esta versión especial del libro serán donados para ayudar a las familias en Puerto Rico que desesperadamente necesitan equipos médicos y reparaciones en el hogar.



Helping Families in Puerto Rico


The fifth-grade students of Michelle Gruttadauria, Kristen Tohill, Eileen Campbell, and Ilyssa Polirer, have collaborated with author/illustrator Paul Rodriguez “Rodro” to illustrate a special version of 

The Magical Song of Sona and Dora.


It is a children’s book about two Coquís (tiny tree frogs) from Sonadora, Puerto Rico, who go out in search of the magic that will save their lives. All proceeds from this special version of the book will be donated to assist families in Puerto Rico that are in desperate need of medical equipment and home repairs.




News and Events

As of July 2021— When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, some Puerto Rican families still recovering from Hurricane Maria saw tragedy turn to desperation. We decided to split our $1,000 donation format into $100 emergency funds. We were able to assist ten families with urgently needed money for food and medicine.


I wish to extend my deepest gratitude and thanks to Zenaida Rivera and her family in Aibonito. They spent weeks searching for families in need and personally delivered the Sona and Dora donations. 

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