One thing we each have in common is the right to the freedom to live happy and healthy.
We each have the right to say,
“This is my life!”
One thing we all share is this spectacular planet we live on.
We all have the right to say,
“This is my home!”
Although we don’t actually own the Earth, we can proudly proclaim,
“This is my planet!”
To show our respect for this immense privilege, we must remember
we are a part of it, not apart from it.
This celestial body makes our human bodies possible.
In a truly magnificent way, we are all bound to each other and our planet at the same time.
We are a part of the Earth, and the Earth is a part of us.
All of her creatures and systems work together to nurture and provide for us without bias.
We need to follow mother nature’s example and work together to care for her without bias.
If we take care of our planet, our planet will take care of us.
Let us join together and say,
“One people! One planet! One love!”

Taking care of the Earth
starts right in your own backyard.
The GlobaLogical programs expand our awareness and understanding of our connection to our environment, wildlife, and our global community.
I promise to respect the Earth,
keep the grasses green,
keep the air pollution free,
and keep the water clean.
I promise to respect all creatures, everyone I see, care for them
and treat them how
I want them to treat me.

The GlobaLogical unit of study is made up of 1 riddle, 2 poems, 6 stories, and 1 ecological investigation. During this unit participants will travel the world learning all about our Earth its environment, its wildlife, and the role we can play in taking care of it or destroying it.
Session-1: iCare People, Planet, & Creatures (1, 45-60 min. session)
We are all connected not by nature but through nature. When we learn to care for and respect each other we are taking the first steps toward caring for and respecting our planet and its creatures.

Global Citizenship, Explorer Mindset, UP-Standing,
Compassion, Cooperation, Environmental & Wildlife Preservation
Session-2: The Coolest Machine (5, 45-60 min. sessions)

Before we go gallivanting around our globe, let’s take a moment to be mindful of just how wondrous it is. During this session, we will be looking at the big picture of our planet. We will explore the main aspects of our biosphere and how it functions so that we can begin to understand how we affect it.
Session-3: The Galapagos Islands (5-day)

From a boat named Beagle to a tortoise named Lonesome George, we learn about evolution by mapping the Galapagos Islands along a pathway of natural selection.
Session-4: The Orange Man Dance! (5-days)

Their land is our land, and our land is their land. If we protect and respect the shared places where we live, we will be able to dance with the orange man for generations to come.
Session-5: Rodro Rides the Rising Seas (5-day)
Rodro and Pessy start out playing make-believe and end up fighting for reality. When the people they are trying to save are fooled by lies, they discover that global warming and our plastic problem can’t be fixed without the truth.

Sona and Dora are Coquís (tiny tree frogs) who live in Puerto Rico. When they find that they are in danger of being accidentally squished, they go on a quest for the magic that will save them. Instead, they are given some advice,
"Listen to your heart and live your magic.”
Session-7: Goldysocks & the 5 Bayous (3 days)

When Glodysocks goes out in search of lunch, she ends up finding a bunch of problems with the bayou. When Thibodaux and her family go out to care for the bayou, they end up caring for Goldysocks also.
Hurry Up and Have Fun: Our Amazon Emergency is the book and program I have created to do my part to help save the Amazon, its jungle, river, creatures, and of course, its precious indigenous peoples.